LiquidX Joins RiskStream Collaborative Blockchain Working Group
LiquidX joined the risk management and insurance industry’s largest blockchain consortium and will participate in a working group serving the surety industry.
LiquidX joined the risk management and insurance industry’s largest blockchain consortium and will participate in a working group serving the surety industry.
Digital distribution of trade finance assets from LiquidX helps banks and asset managers to eliminate inefficient, paper-based processes, improve capital utilization and risk mitigation, and provide liquidity to support clients.
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) named LiquidX Insurance Services (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. a finalist for the Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF) Global FinTech Awards 2021.
The trade credit insurance ecosystem loses over a billion dollars annually due to process inefficiencies, lack of transparency, and human error.
“We are building an online digital network to connect people who need capital with people who have capital,” said Jim Toffey, LiquidX CEO.
Coface Singapore Branch has joined the LiquidX 360 digital platform.
Mr. Raymond will lead the commercial expansion of LiquidX’s ground-breaking LiquidX’s digitization technology digital working capital platform.
LiquidX announced that Kristen Michaud will lead its LiquidX’s digitization technology business and has joined the Senior Management Team. LiquidX’s digitization technology optimizes working capital manage for corporates, banks, and insurers.
Blockchain provides visibility and traceability in supply chains, and has the potential to provide significant support for Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) efforts.
Neil R. Brown and Frances B. Lim of KKR were featured speakers at a LiquidX webinar to discuss their study, A New Era for Supply Chains.
Suppliers that still want the benefit of trading with companies where Trade Credit Insurance is not available have another risk-mitigation tool available to them, Receivable Put Contracts.
Over 50 liquidity providers are now on the LiquidX platform, providing flexible access for funding all working capital needs through a single access and interface.
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